This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.

This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.

Imersão Front-End: Aprenda a Programar de graça em 2024

februarie 19th, 2020|Bootcamp de programação|

Ser um profissional back-end e não ter relativo conhecimento sobre Python, hoje, é uma ameaça à própria carreira. É conhecida por possuir recursos simples e avançados, servindo tanto aos programadores(as) menos e mais experientes, inclusive aos estudantes. Criada em 1994, antes mesmo do JS, esta também é uma linguagem de programação de script que, por ser relativamente simples, pode ser embutida no HTML.

  • Ao contrário do Back-End, o Desenvolvedor Front-End é o responsável por criar e gerenciar interfaces, pensando tanto na parte visual quanto nas funcionalidades da página com as quais o usuário tem contato direto.
  • Segundo dados de uma pesquisa realizada pela GeekHunter sobre os salários para programadores em 2020, o salário de um(a) programador(a) front-end varia entre R$4.000,00 e R$13.000,00, a depender da experiência do profissional.
  • Pessoas desenvolvedoras back-end manobram estruturas e algoritmos para implementação e exibição de dados.
  • Estes sistemas secundários facilitam a utilização da linguagem, que por si só já é bastante acessível por conta de sua sintaxe extremamente simples.

Também é importante saber como usar ferramentas de design, teste e depuração, e estar por dentro das tendências e boas práticas do mercado. Abaixo, listarei e falarei mais detalhadamente sobre os principais conhecimentos que um(a) profissional deve ter. Esse trabalho é feito com linguagens como HTML, CSS e JavaScript, que permitem criar elementos gráficos, estilos, animações e funcionalidades. O HTML é a linguagem que define a estrutura e o conteúdo Curso de teste de software: drible a falta mão de obra no mercado de trabalho da página, o CSS é a linguagem que define o visual e o layout da página, e o JavaScript é a linguagem que define o comportamento e a interação da página. O foco do curso é o Javascript, uma linguagem muito versátil e popular entre os desenvolvedores — e justamente por isso, está entre as mais requisitadas pelas empresas de tecnologia. Um backend developer é responsável por testar e depurar o código para garantir o bom funcionamento do sistema.

Aprimorar conhecimentos

Na plataforma DevMedia você encontra um guia com todo o
conteúdo necessário para iniciar seus estudos e se tornar um programador
Front-end web. Você terá uma equipe especializada para tirar todas as dúvidas
que quiser e será estimulado a seguir com os estudos através de uma plataforma
gamificada, onde seus estudos valem pontos e certificados. Esse programador é capaz de criar um software de ponta a
ponta, ou seja, criar toda parte visual e também os códigos que manipulam o
banco de dados.

  • A parte prática do trabalho de um desenvolvedor Back-End envolve uma série de responsabilidades, e naturalmente, é necessário que ele tenha domínio sobre diferentes habilidades para cumprir suas obrigações.
  • Interface de programação de aplicações ou Application programming interfaces (API), permite com que você separe aplicações para conversarem entre eles.
  • Um programador back-end precisa dominar pelo menos uma linguagem de programação, como PHP, Python, Ruby ou Java.
  • Além de ser orientada a objetos, é uma linguagem que permite acesso ao hardware e é utilizada na construção de sistemas back-end, sistemas operacionais, bancos de dados, jogos e outros.
  • Aqueles que trabalham próximo com os bancos de dados podem se beneficiar bastante de aprender o SQL.

Aqueles que programam com Python no Stack Overflow elogiam por seus códigos serem “elegantes”, “fáceis de entender” e “maravilhoso”. Uma pessoa desenvolvedora é responsável por implementar as regras de negócio de uma aplicação. Isto é, criar as funcionalidades necessárias para que a interface do sistema possa se comunicar com uma base de dados. Isso é possível através de uma linguagem back-end, que permite codificar a lógica.

Front end: entenda o que é, para que serve, como aprender essa especialidade!

A diferença principal entre os dois é a popularidade (Ruby tem caído, enquanto que o Python tem decolado) e as ferramentas da linguagem Ruby. É o padrão de arquitetura do MVC (Model-View-Controller) que permite com que as tarefas do desenvolvimento backend sejam tratadas por um controlador, que interage com um modelo para processar dados. O resultado então é apresentado para a visualização para mostrar uma página frontend. Java é a terceira linguagem de programação mais popular do mundo, e por uma boa razão. O Java não é somente extremamente versátil (seu uso abrange desde smartphones até cartões inteligentes); e tem sido utilizado por desenvolvedores por mais de 20 anos.

A possibilidade do trabalho remoto é um dos maiores atrativos desta área de atuação, permitindo que programadores(as) de todos os nichos possam, inclusive, trabalhar para outros países, aumentando ainda mais suas remunerações. O CSS, ou Cascading Style Sheets, é uma linguagem de estilo que serve para alterar a aparência das páginas criadas em HTML. Ao assinar a plataforma Awari, o aluno recebe créditos para personalizar sua jornada, que podem ser usados tanto no agendamento de mentorias quanto na matrícula em novas turmas com aulas ao vivo.

Abstinence vs Moderation for Those Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol

februarie 18th, 2020|Sober living|

Doing a reality check with a simple online self-assessment might be the first step. Take the Alcohol Use Disorders Test (AUDIT) developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) online. Fortunately for me, I set up Alternatives with an entire data collection operation that allows me to look at everything from health to depression, anxiety, emotional well-being, family and employment issues, and more.

alcohol abstinence vs moderation

While your loved one is trying to moderate their use, you can decide what the bottom line is going to be. However, please know that it is not necessarily advisable to include your loved one in this decision or discussion about the new “bottom line.” It can be more of an internal decision that you, the family member(s) make. Many families of addicted loved ones find themselves wishing for their loved one to swing from one extreme clear over to the other. Their dearest wish becomes that their loved one never touch another drop, take another hit, etc.

How to test if moderation can work

If you want to resolve problem drinking without medication, abstinence may be a better choice for you. When people aiming for abstinence make a mistake, they may feel like quitting is impossible and give up entirely. You can have an occasional drink without feeling defeated and sliding deeper into a relapse. Moderation can open a window for you to defuse the emotional challenges that create the craving for relief that alcohol provides. An member worries about her son who is 1,500 miles away, since his binge drinking continues to be a regular reality.

  • More people than ever are recognizing the negative effects of drinking alcohol and re-evaluating how it shows up in their life.
  • I can’t even think of how many times I’ve heard the notion that complete, total, abstinence should be the only goal for all people who abuse drug or alcohol.
  • This includes those managing liver disease, bipolar disorder, abnormal heart rhythms, or chronic pain.
  • You know, the stuff we can see, feel and measure (I’m a stats geek after all).

If you believe you or someone you love may be struggling with addiction, let us hear your story and help you determine a path to treatment. By Buddy T

Buddy T is a writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Because he is a member of a support group that stresses the importance of anonymity at the public level, he does not controlled drinking vs abstinence use his photograph or his real name on this website. Moderate drinking means drinking about 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of liquor in one sitting. I have reviewed many other books to help you cut down on alcohol here if you are interested to see my favourite. Abstinence may not be a realistic solution with some addictions, such as eating and in some cases sexual addictions.

Alcohol Moderation or Abstinence?

His experience with the ritalin and now the painkillers made it clear to him that he was seriously susceptible to any drug  and that had to include alcohol. While achieving moderation is possible, the reality is that most recovering alcoholics will choose the abstinence route. Staying away from alcohol entirely is one of the best ways to prevent a relapse.

  • The key premise of any approach is that moderate drinking is a practical and reasonable goal for those people who face less severe drinking issues.
  • According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), in 2019, 85.6% of individuals in the United States aged 18 years or older reported that they had consumed an alcoholic beverage at one time in their life.
  • Because he is a member of a support group that stresses the importance of anonymity at the public level, he does not use his photograph or his real name on this website.
  • When it comes to the debate between complete abstinence or alcohol moderation, advice can dramatically differ, leaving many people confused and unsure which path to take to make a positive change in their lives.
  • The researchers found that 447 (11.1%) participants had not consumed any alcohol in the 12 months before the interviews in 1996–1997.

Many who practice it find that they are better at understanding how much they are drinking, are able to reduce or eliminate binge drinking, and suffer fewer negative consequences from alcohol abuse. This suggests that the field as a whole needs to get past this argument. The question should no longer be whether moderation treatment should be an option but rather what treatment offers the best outcomes for those seeking moderation. With the aid of medications like naltrexone and more, we can get substantial improvements in drinking behavior even if we don’t achieve abstinence. Given our findings, I think it would be hard to argue that people who struggle with alcohol problems have to accept abstinence as their goal in treatment and in life. We are finding very good support for the notion that there is a place for moderation treatment and that, overall, seeking moderation results in outcomes that are at least as good as seeking abstinence.

When To Consider Treatment

Studies have shown that in some cultures there are a small percentage of people who can return to moderate drinking. Attempts at moderation may not be worth the effort or the risk when considering the consequences. If your own life has been a mess because of your addictive behavior, why chance it?

alcohol abstinence vs moderation

This means that the participants likely did not include some of the most severe alcoholic cases. The population of people who use MM is pretty well educated and is made up for the most part of problem drinkers rather than those meeting full-blown alcohol dependence criteria. The idea is to teach problem drinkers more responsible drinking habits so that they don’t devolve their habits into all-out alcoholism.

They’re able to enjoy an occasional drink while still avoiding negative drinking behaviors and consequences. While the pandemic seems to have triggered substantial increases in alcohol consumption, and in alcohol abuse, this is true on a macro level. For some people, the pandemic created more opportunities for reducing drinking.

  • They not only had a greater reduction in drinking days per week (about 3 days per week by the end of the treatment period).
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich John and his team believe their research shows that the lower life expectancy for those who do not drink alcohol compared with those who do can be due to other high risk factors.
  • This is especially true in light of the fact that moderate drinking might be good for health and intervention research shows us that changing behavior is possible.
  • Abstinence is certainly the advisable route for those with a severe alcohol use disorder (AUD), although many with mild or moderate symptoms may also opt for an alcohol-free life if they feel that it just isn’t working for them anymore.

Intuit adds TurboTax to accounting, personal financial tools to tap more users

februarie 13th, 2020|Bookkeeping|

accounting Colorado Springs

Jennifer did an outstanding job for Caroline and me with our taxes. She went the extra mile for us even when it was last minute and she must have been slammed with a deadline. I would recommend her as she is dedicated to doing the best job possible and not just running people in and out the door. I switched CPA because I needed a person on my business that would help guide me to stay on top of tax laws as well as tax opportunities Jennifer has done this.

Information provided on this web site “Site” by WCG Inc. is intended for reference only. The information contained herein is designed solely to provide guidance to the user, and is not intended to be a substitute for the user seeking personalized professional advice based on specific factual situations. This Site may contain references to certain laws and regulations which may change over time and should be interpreted only in light of particular circumstances. As such, information on this Site does NOT constitute professional accounting, tax or legal advice and should not be interpreted as such.

Tax and Small Business Updates

Complex or unusual transactions must be handled correctly to produce meaningful financial statements. Statements you need to manage life or business. Whether you are a start-up business, a growing business or a mature corporation, SSA, P.C. Has the expertise to help you with your accounting and bookkeeping. We’re dedicated to keeping you up to date on COVID-19 and its impact on individuals, families and businesses.

  • We’ll take things like payroll, 1099 prep, sales tax and documentation, so you have more energy to put into your business.
  • At Answers Accounting CPA LLC, we believe that quality accounting and tax service leads to smart decision-making and financial success.
  • Also, it is equally important to choose the right online accounting service providers in Colorado Springs.
  • Small business owners in the Colorado Springs, CO area and nationwide prefer working with us.
  • We are the best reviewed CPA firm in the area and take our knowledge in savings and translate that to reliable financial services to help our individual clients maximize income and minimize taxes.
  • For your convenience, we work with almost all types of accounting software, including QuickBooks, Sage and Peachtree.

Should we need to schedule an additional consultation, our fee is $250 for 40 minutes. If we decide to press forward with a Business Advisory or Tax Patrol Services engagement, we will credit the consultation fee towards those services. “With Phases Accounting bookkeeping colorado springs & Tax Services, each client receives close personal and professional attention.” Ritz Business Services, Inc. provides Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Services to Small and Medium sized Business Owners in Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Colorado.

Do I need an accounting major to become an accountant?

We along with our Accountants have over 40 years of combined experience helping Small Business Owners in Colorado Springs Decrease Taxes and Improve Profitability. TurboTax’s dominance has drawn scrutiny from U.S. lawmakers. Bloomberg News reported last week that senators, including Elizabeth Warren, said tax credits given to Intuit may have been better spent to build a free government alternative to TurboTax. Of the 136 million users of the Credit Karma finance portal at the end of July 2023, more than 40 million did not use TurboTax, the company said. “If you’ve got 43 million people consuming Credit Karma and they’re not using our taxes right now, it’s a great opportunity to serve them,” said Mark Notarainni, executive in-charge of Intuit’s Consumer Group. We are continually searching for ways to minimize your taxes.

Based in the Colorado Springs area, Erickson, Brown & Kloster, P.C. Offers QuickBooks and tax services to individuals and small businesses since 1984. They provide part-time CFO services, payroll, small business accounting, bank financing, audits, business valuation, cash flow management, strategic business and succession planning, internal controls, and more for small businesses. They also provide personal financial planning, estate planning, and elder care services for individuals. The company holds memberships with the AICPA and the COCPA, and is accredited by the Better Business Bureau. Scott Porter, CPA is a locally owned and operated firm that serves all types of businesses in Colorado Springs.

Sikora CPA offers a wide variety of financial assistance + guidance.

Whether you need assistance with Accounting, Bookkeeping, Taxation or Payroll Services, our Experienced Accountants in Colorado Springs, CO at the Ritz Business Services, Inc., have the knowledge and expertise to get your business on the right track. If, like most Small Business owners, you are faced with the need to improve Profitability, Decrease Taxes, Eliminate Tax surprises or have more personal time, Call Now for a Free Consultation with an Experienced Accountant in Colorado Springs.

Подробный обзор Basic Attention Token Бейсик Этеншн Токен BAT: курс, график, описание, майнинг, купля-продажа, биржи, сложность, обсуждение, отзывы и последние новости

februarie 11th, 2020|Криптообменники|

basic attention token обзор

За эту цифровую валюту они покупают на интернет-площадках время и место для рекламы. Сразу несколько крупных институциональных игроков уже подали заявки на биткоин-ETF. В итоге браузер Brave становится упорядоченным инструментом для доступа к интернету. За счет активной пользовательской и инвесторской поддержки проект Basic Attention Token обладает существенным потенциалом для дальнейшего развития.

basic attention token обзор

Затем начался нисходящий тренд, который длился практически 3 месяца. Монета создавалась для оплаты рекламных услуг в браузере Brave, разработкой которого занимался Brendan Eich – создатель Mozilla и языка программирования Java Script. Victoria VR — это проект виртуальной реальности, целью которого является создание мира, в котором возможно все. PSTAKE Finance — это проект, который привлек 10 миллионов долларов США в первом раунде финансирования. В целом BAT считается стабильной и долгосрочной инвестицией, которую могут рассмотреть инвесторы.

Что такое протокол Мина? Полный набор проекта Mina Protocol и токена MINA

Она определяет коэффициент внимания пользователя во время просмотра, автоматически рассчитывая, сколько люди получают в конце каждого месяца на основе потраченного времени. Официальный кошелек криптовалюты интегрирован в браузер Brave. Такое решение является оптимальным для эффективного взаимодействия между различными web-порталами.

На официальном сайте есть информация и о других специалистах с внушительным опытом работы в сфере IT-технологий. После регистрации в Brave Наградах им начисляют токены BAT за просмотр рекламы. После этого стоимость криптовалюты преимущественно падала, но 1 мая 2018 года начался восходящий тренд. Только DuckDuckGo и Brave являются двумя браузерными платформами, которые развертывает BAT. В будущем, если BAT будет сотрудничать с Firefox или Google Chrome для разработки проекта, ожидается, что количество пользователей резко возрастет. Центр Крипто Обучения BitDegree намерен раскрыть, упростить и поделиться криптовалютным образованием с массами.


Хорошая криптовалюта – эта та, которая встроена систему полезного сервиса и используется не только как биржевой актив, но и как расчетная единица платформы. Так считают создатели Basic Attention Token и приводят статистические доказательства. Эксперты и аналитики оптимистично оценивают потенциал криптовалюты Basic Attention Token, несмотря на тот факт, что браузер Brave становится посредником, хотя вел борьбу с посредничеством. Уже через два дня стоимость увеличилась вдвое, а капитализация составила чуть больше 300 миллионов долларов.

  • Эта опция работает аналогично сайтам, таким как Patreon – вы можете просто давать чаевые своим любимым создателям контента (Ютюберам, блоггерам, стримерам Twitch и т. д.) В любой момент.
  • На данный момент кошелек BAT является однонаправленным, что означает, что он может получать только внешние средства, а не выводимые.
  • Затраты на нее достигают 330 млрд долларов, но ожидания пользователей, издателей и рекламодателей регулярно не оправдываются.
  • Новый алгоритм позволяет не только отслеживать порталы, на которые были осуществлены переходы, но и улучшает эффективность рекламы, отталкиваясь от других действий пользователя.
  • Хотя существует множество причин, по которым биржа выбрала бы одно место вместо другого, большинство из них сводятся к бизнес-тонкостям и обычно не оказывают никакого влияния на пользователя платформы.

Разработчики добавили эти элементы в соответствии с программой Brave Payment. До этого момента он использовал Биткоин в качестве основной валюты для транзакций. BAT был создан Бренданом Эйхом, а затем усовершенствован Brave Software. После регистрации на MEXC и успешной покупки своего первого токена USDT или BAT вы можете начать торговать Basic Attention Token на споте или на фьючерсах, чтобы получить более высокую прибыль.

Создание кошелька для Basic Attention Token

Актуальная стоимость криптовалюты – 40 центов, а капитализация составляет 400 миллионов долларов. На данный момент цена прошла коррекцию и вскоре снова продолжится восходящий тренд. Токен BAT разрабатывался для комплексного решения проблем рекламной индустрии. Одновременно с этим данный проект создаст максимально комфортные условия для просмотра web-страниц для пользователей.

basic attention token обзор

Монеты зачисляются на кошелек компании Uphold, которая создает кошельки для фиатных и криптовалют. И отдельный пул наращивания купить Basic Attention Token пользовательской базы (UGP) хранит 300 млн. Монет, чтобы можно было вознаградить активных юзеров и распространить BAT.

Author: Barbara Kollmeyer